Dear Commoners, is a platform designed to inform, inspire, and connect people across Europe in imagining and creating a more just society based on citizen solidarity, the common good and social justice. This platform is a work in progress and will become what we, the Commoners, make of it.
In this spirit, we are pleased to announce our first Call for Common Stories! Share your ideas of what a „good“ society means to you, and if your story is selected, Commonfare will send you to the amazing Santarcangelo Festival in Santarcangelo di Romagna, Italy from July 12th to 15th, 2018 as a blogger. Commonfare will cover the expenses of travel, accommodation and provide a daily allowance for you to enjoy the Festival to the fullest. As a Commonfare blogger, you get to enjoy the exhibitions, concerts, workshops, markets, and parties, make friends, build connections, and get inspired by the power of art and culture in imagining a more just society. Then to report back to with your experience at the Festival.
At Santarcangelo Festival, the Commonfare blogger will also have informative conversations with key people from Macao. An example of a best practice of Commonfare, Macao is an independent centre for art, culture and research dedicated to rethinking social change, elaborating independent political critique, and creating innovative governance and production models. Macao is currently based in a former slaughterhouse in the middle of a huge abandoned area in Milano, hosting performing arts, cinema, visual arts, design, photography, literature, new media, and hacking, and is coordinated by an open assembly of artists and activists. Commonfare believes that others from around Europe could learn from the examples of both Macao and the Santarcangelo Festival, and wants to help to create bridges across borders, to share know-how and information, and most importantly to inspire creativity and social solidarity in fighting for our common good.
Interested? Here's what you need to do:
- If you are not yet a Commoner, become one by signing up at here:
- Show us your interest in becoming a Commonfare blogger at the Santarcangelo Festival by sending us some of your commoncoin to the account called Commonfare: You decide how much you want to donate: just login, click on your name in the up right of the page, click on wallet and send up to 400 commoncoins to the Commonfare wallet here (if you need any help, just let us know at )
- Answer one of the following questions, in your own voice and your own style, using your imagination and your values, in 500 to 1000 words:
The kind of society I want to live in is…
The kind of Europe I want to live in is…
My version of a just society is one where…
The criteria for selection as a travelling blogger are: i) relevance to question posed, ii) representation of Commonfare values, iii) potential to help, inform or inspire others, and iv) creativity
Post your story on by end of day on June 29th, with the tags „Santarcangelo“ and „Common story“. Commonfare will announce the winning entry on July 2nd in a post on The winner will be notified via the email they used to sign up to
Pack your bags for an incredible time at Santarcangelo Festival!
When it’s all over, write a story about your experience for