is a platform that allows you to tell and share your experiences, promote initiatives and get connected with people who support them. How do you do that? First of all: become a Commoner!

Only your email and a screen name is required to start sharing your stories.

Now you're a Commoner! Welcome! To write your story, click the pencil icon at the bottom right of your screen.

First, add a title, and then start writing your story. You can add tags that represent your story so that it can be quickly discovered and shared by the other Commoners.

To facilitate the writing of rich-media stories, provides a visual system called storybuilder.

As soon as you add your title and a place or location for your or your story, a "+" symbol will appear. Click it and choose among several media types: text, captions, images, and video. Four diverse elements to enrich your story and engage your audience!

Give your rich-media stories a life, your audience will appreciate them. 👍😉 One last tip: if you are searching for inspiration, look at the stories other Commoners like you already created in the 'Commoners Voices' section.