The preparation work for the Final Conference of the Commonfare project, which will be held next week in collaboration with the OltrEconomia Festival in Trento, gets into full swing
Along with the technical and organizational work carried out to guarantee the good functioning of the complementary currency of which the Festival will endow itself, the Oltrino (◎), meetings of the last days have focused on the definition of the final programme, which will be articulated between Wednesday, 29 May and Sunday, 2 June 2019.
The conference will present and discuss the activities and scientific results of the project with plenaries presentations, workshops and laboratories, involving project partners as speakers, as well as experts and people from the involved civil society as discussants.
The detailed programme is available here.
Participation is open and free. See you in Trento, at Santa Chiara Park. We hope to meet many of you. Speriamo di vedervi numerose/i.