Commonfare Call for Stories: Write a story and attend the Commonfare Conference on Housing for All in Pula, Croatia!
Commonfare.net is a platform designed to inform, inspire, and connect people across Europe in imagining and creating a more just society based on citizen solidarity, the common good and social justice. Indeed there are already many NGOs, citizens initiatives, research think tanks and responsible citizens working across borders and themes, from the grassroots level to protect common spaces, common goods, and hold the powerful accountable for good governance.
Housing is too expensive. More and more people in Europe are in trouble because of their housing costs. About 82 million people are overburdened by housing costs – unacceptable! The waiting lists for subsidised, public and affordable apartments grow longer and longer. In almost all member states in Europe, the number of homeless people is increasing rapidly.
People are being displaced from the cities. Many of them are forced to leave the city due to the high living costs and have to commute over long distances every day to work or study in the city.
Interested? Here's what you need to do:
- Become a Commoner by signing up at commonfare.net
- Show us your interest in becoming a Commonfare blogger at the Commonfare conference in Pula by transferring 10 of your commoncoin to the Commonfare account (if you need help, just let us know)
- Answer one of the following questions, in your own voice and your own style, using your imagination and your values:
How can citizens, NGOs and think tanks contribute to the establishment of affordable and accessible housing for all?
One example of grassroots efforts, movement or residential initiative is accessible and accessible to everyone is...
The criteria for selection as a travelling blogger are: i) relevance to question posed, ii) representation of Commonfare values, iii) potential to help, inform or inspire others, and iv) creativity
- Post your story on commonfare.net by end of day on June 7th (CET), with the tags „Budapest“ and „Common story“.
- Commonfare will announce the winning entry on April 10th in a post on commonfare.net. The winner will be notified via the email they used to sign up to commonfare.net.
- Pack your bags for an incredible time with incredible people in Pula!
- When it’s all over, write a story about your experience for Commonfare.net
Have any questions, need more information or not sure how to write your story? Contact us at cms@cms.hr.