The partnership between Commonfare and the OltrEconomia Festival 2019 (OEF) of Trento – which will take place at the Santa Chiara park, from May 29 to June 2, 2019) – will endow the festival with its own digital currency: the Oltrino. The use of the Oltrino will work in a way similar to the experience of SantaCoin, developed and managed in collaboration with the Santarcangelo Festival 2018: the digital currency will allow to pay for food, drinks and merchandising (and probably some products crafted by artisans that will join festival) by showing a "talisman". This is a wearable item that will be given to participants, and that will be the key to get access the virtual wallet available on The wallet can be refilled at the infopoint of the festival with the change 1 Euro = 1 Oltrino.
The use of the Oltrino will lead to advantages that will be communicated directly in the sales points of the festival. The Oltrino constitutes one of the concrete attempts to promote a new socio-economic model capable of favoring access to common goods and the wealth of services, a model based on new forms of collaboration and exchange of use value. This is the same logic that characterizes the development of Commoncoin, the complementary digital currency that can be used on
The goal is in fact to extend the experience of the Oltrino to other areas, generating an exchange circuit with a complementary currency system in full autonomy. To learn more about the Oltrino and how it will work, visit this page (in Italian). nije povezan s bilo kojom vanjskom platformom. Ako želite podijeliti ovu priču na Facebooku, Twitteru itd., možete kopirati URL i tamo zalijepiti.