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Climbing Trees

kickstarting talents

Last Friday of May, a windy day in the north of Amsterdam.

JP and Margherita went to visit the assembly of the future tenants of NDSM Treehouse, the project for co-managing an art center growing in the NDSM area of Amsterdam. For Commonfare dyne is piloting its facilitation methods here, and has started to co-design an assembly, a common complementary currency (for now called "culto") and a value map for the place.

Follow up plans include the first value transfer from the community into the culto (that will take place with a common organised soup next friday the 21st)

We wish that the longest day will bring them fortune!

Tarek (our editor in chief) has edited some interviews and the interviewees liked to stay anonymous (for now).

Enjoy the vibe and look to the treehouse growing with containers and dreams.

You can read our previous article about this story here: is for, with, and by people.

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1 Comment

Anonymous avatar


June 17, 2019 at 20:18

I hope you'll let us know more threehousers soon! And I'm planning a visit to A'dam. That's why the anonymous comment, for the surprise ;)