Reaching Trekanten leaving from the centre of Aalborg is an experience by itself, with the urban landscape leaving space to the green of the grass as the road unfolds in front of you. In the grass fields, aside a large road connecting the centre of Aalborg to the East side of town, you will find Trekanten. This is a cultural centre supporting the emergence and strengthening of social relations in Aalborg East, a neighbourhood characterized by an abundance of social housing and a strong presence of a working class and non-Danish population.
There, during the afternoon of April 30th, approximately thirty people met to listen to and talk to Maurizio Teli and Anne Marie Kanstrup (both at Aalborg University) who have been invited by Foreningssamarbejdet 9220, an association involving multiple clubs engaging with sports to nurture solidarity and collaboration in Aalborg East. The event has been organized by Foreningssamarbejdet 9220 with the support of Commonfare and in collaboration with Trekanten, to discuss how digital technologies can support practices of solidarity and digital technology in a neighbourhood like Aalborg East.
The participants have had the chance of engaging with a presentation of Commonfare, it’s values and its technology, as well as to relate to the Move mobile app, designed participatorily involving directly people from Aalborg East. As Commonfare has been designed involving people in Croatia, Italy, and the Netherlands, the connection between the two projects, participatory and community oriented, attracted the attention of the participant. In particular, the Commonfare group currency and the Move event organization features stimulated a lot of conversations. After the events, many were the inquiries and the scenarios of use people suggested and engaged with, and the organizers are looking forward to further collaborations between Aalborg East, Foreningssamarbejdet 9220, Trekanten, and the residents of Aalborg East.